Instructions for Speakers and Oral Presenters

Instructions for Speakers and Oral Presenters


In compliance with EACCME requirements all speakers and presenters have been requested to fill in the Conflict of Interest form Please ensure that the first slide in your presentation is the Conflict of Interest Slide. To access the disclosure slide, please  CLICK HERE. 


  • Format: Your presentation should be prepared in PPTX format.
  • Ratio: Aspect ratio of your presentation must be 16:9.
  • Layout: For live session presentations – Please keep the top right corner of your slides, free from title, text or images, as well as the bottom right corner (to avoid being hidden by your camera and other images) 


Presenters are required to adhere to the time allotted to them. Presentations that are longer than the time allocated will be cut. Letters with guidelines and link to book pre-recording time-slots will be sent in due course.

Deadline for completing your pre-recording: 21 February, 2021.


  • There will be a dedicated technician assisting you during the recording of your session.
  • CONFLICTS OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE – must be added as your first slide following your title slide.
  • Please make sure that you do not record longer than you allocated time in order to avoid being asked to re-record.
  • On the day of the zoom recording session, please make sure you are ready:
  • Quiet Environment: Please make sure that the room you are using is quiet (avoid disturbances such as phones ringing, dogs barking etc.) and try to ensure no one will interrupt you while you are recording.
  • Neutral background: Make sure to sit in front of a neutral background (white, uniformly colored wall, or similar, avoid bright backlight such as a window). Please do not use artificial background features.
  • Presentation Open: Please have your PowerPoint presentation open on your laptop/PC.
  • Join the Recording Session: At the time of your session recording, you are invited to enter the Zoom link that was sent to you, and meet a technician (virtually) who will guide you through the recording of your presentation.

Please note that your presentation will be accessible from the virtual platform during and 3 months after the conference to all participants of the Virtual Congress.


If your session has a live Q&A element, please click here for guidelines on how to join the live Q&A Session. You will also be required to join a short technical briefing . The link to book a briefing slot will be sent to you by the Secretariat.