Published: 23 May 2020
Author(s): Raluca Tomoaia, Ruxandra-Ștefana Beyer, Dumitru Zdrenghea, Alexandra Dădârlat-Pop, Dana Pop
Section: Letter to the Editor

Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is one of the main determinants in the prognostic of patients with myocardial infarction (MI) [1]. Three-dimensional (3D) measurement of the LV volumes and LVEF does not use geometric assumptions, thus this method is less sensitive to errors caused by foreshortening [2]. Furthermore, 3D transducers allow simultaneous orthogonal triplane imaging for all three standard apical views: apical long-axis (APLAX), 4-chamber (A4CH) and 2-chamber (A2CH). This allows measurements to be performed in the same cardiac cycle, therefore avoiding errors caused by irregular heart rhythms and foreshortening [3].


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