Oncology (from the Ancient Greek onkos (ὄγκος), meaning bulk, mass, or tumor, and the suffix -logy (-λογία), meaning "study of") is a branch of medicine that deals with cancer. A medical professional who practices oncology is an oncologist.

Oncology is concerned with:

The diagnosis of any cancer in a person
Therapy (e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other modalities)
Follow-up of cancer patients after successful treatment
Palliative care of patients with terminal malignancies
Ethical questions surrounding cancer care
Screening efforts:

of populations, or
of the relatives of patients (in types of cancer that are thought to have a hereditary basis, such as breast cancer)

Polyp, adenoma detection rises with Endocuff device

CHICAGO – German investigators reported on their experience using the disposable Endocuff device in a prospective, randomized two-center trial involving 498 patients undergoing colonoscopy. The...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item

CDC: Policy changes could prevent 100,000 deaths a year

About one-third of heart disease deaths and one-fifth of cancer deaths could be prevented if overall U.S. death rates were the same as those in the states with the lowest rates, the Centers for...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item

Vitamin D deficiency predicts aggressive prostate cancer

Among African American men with abnormal prostate-specific antigen levels or abnormal findings on digital rectal examination of the prostate, biopsies are more likely to detect prostate cancer in...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item

VIDEO: HPV testing predicted to displace most Pap smears

CHICAGO – Dr. Laurie J. McKenzie, who is a member of the ACOG Committee on the Scientific Program and the medical faculties of the University of Texas and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item


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