It’s tough to find a good fecal donor

Finding healthy stool donors for fecal transplant may be a tough prospect. That’s what Australian researchers have discovered in the course of the <link...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Simulation model projects HCV to be rare by 2026

A simulation model that incorporated a one-time universal screening of U.S. adults for hepatitis C virus and made conservative assumptions as to the availability and efficacy of various therapies...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Vary CRC screening by age, sex, race, ethnicity?

Among adults at average risk for colorectal cancer who undergo screening colonoscopy, the yield of large polyps and tumors varies widely by patient age, sex, race, and ethnicity. This means that an...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item


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