Saturday, 31 October, 2009

1. Draft Minutes of General Assembly, Istanbul 27/05/2009 for approval (W Bauer)
The minutes were approved. Professor Raptis requested a new copy of the enclosed documents.

2. EFIM-7, Istanbul, retrospect
With 1250 participants, including 900 international participants the Congress in Turkey was a success, given the difficult economical situation. The world day of internal medicine worked very well, and so did the first nurse day. Werner Bauer congratulated the Turkish organisers for their work and their fantastic financial generosity on behalf of EFIM.

Question: would there have been more participants if the National Congress had been held at the same time?

S Unal is confident that not holding the congress in conjunction with the National Congress was a good decision, as a joint event would not have attracted as many participants and benefits as two separate ones. It allowed the Turkish Society to offer a 50,000 euro contribution to EFIM despite a loss on the Congress budget. 


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