Saturday, 25 September, 2010
  1. Apologies and Welcome  (W Bauer)

W Bauer welcomed the participants in Luzern. Apologies were received from B Grosbois (France), K Horky (Czech Republic), M Kramer (the Netherlands)


  1. Minutes of General Assembly, Amsterdam 31/10/2009 for approval (W Bauer)   

The minutes were approved.

Poland took this opportunity to thank all the members that send their marks of sympathy after the crash of the Polish presidential plane.


  1. Report of the President (W Bauer) (enclosed presentation)

W Bauer reported on this past year, and reflected on his presidency of EFIM.

- He thanked the Executive committee – “the machinists in the engine room” – for the fruitful work that was accomplished

- W Bauer thanked Congrex for the support from Brussels

- W Bauer noted that although it had been very difficult to cancel the Congress 2010 in Stockholm, he was very happy to welcome everyone in Lucerne, and hoped that the scientific meeting had been appreciated by everyone

- ESIM: W Bauer saluted the expansion of the flagship of EFIM with the launch of the new school, about to take place in January 2011.

- EJIM  W Bauer noted that the journal is improving steadily in not so easy times

- Clinical research course – W Bauer announced that the course will be re-activated through the help of the Foundation, which is a great achievement

- Young internists: W Bauer noted that through the past 2 years, the YI group has developed immensely, and is extremely active today.

- EFIM Fellows: W Bauer project to develop a European network of excellence is being launched. Fellowships will be offered from 2011 with new benefits.

- Working groups – W Bauer thanked the different group for their help in the promotion of high quality internal medicine


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