Published: 6 April 2017
Author(s): A.I. Franco Moreno, M.J. García Navarro, J. Ortiz Sánchez, J.M. Ruiz Giardín
Issue: April 2017
Section: Letter to the Editor

Unprovoked venous thromboembolism (VTE) is associated with a 5 to 27% annual risk of recurrence after discontinuation of anticoagulation (AC) [1–4], and indefinite AC is recommended if the bleeding risk is low to moderate [5]. However, in one-third of patients with unprovoked VTE, the risk of recurrence is so low (<3% per year) that anticoagulant therapy >3–6months may not be necessary [4,6]. Several prediction rules were derived to identify patients with unprovoked VTE who have a low recurrence risk [4,7,8].


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