December 2015

21 Articles

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Editoial board

1 January 2016

Adverse drug reactions and organ damage: The skin

7 December 2015
Author(s): Angelo V. Marzano, Alessandro Borghi, Massimo Cugno

Cutaneous adverse drug reactions are frequent, affecting 2–3% of hospitalized patients and in one twentieth of them are potentially life-threatening. Almost any pharmacologic agent can induce skin... more

Internal Medicine Flashcard

Returning traveler with persistent diarrhea

3 December 2015
Author(s): Aitor Lasarte, Patricia Novas, Mario Ugarte

A 29-year-old Caucasian man was referred to our hospital for evaluation of 4-month history of ongoing colicky abdominal pain, occasional fever and persistent diarrhea. He traveled with a group of... more

Letter to the Editor

Aliceology: Alice in literature-land

23 December 2015
Author(s): Hisato Takagi

“Alice's Adventure in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking-glass, and What Alice Found There” written by Lewis Carroll were published in 1865 and 1871, respectively. Ever since Clark [1] first used “... more

Obesity and breast cancer — Association even more relevant in males?

16 December 2015
Author(s): Djordje S. Popovic, Lazar S. Popovic

Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare disease. It accounts for a less than 1% of total malignant diseases and for a less than 1% of all breast cancer cases [1]. Besides the fact that it is much less... more

The role of doctors in managing scarcity

11 December 2015
Author(s): Sergio Barbieri

The paper by Macchi and Pavan [1] reaffirms that sustainable publicly funded healthcare systems depend on a mature recognition of the necessity to manage scarcity. The moral importance of preventing... more

Brain mimickers of myocardial infarction

10 December 2015
Author(s): Giuseppe Famularo

I read with interest the paper by A. Sharma and colleagues [1]. Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes mimicking an acute coronary syndrome are relatively common among patients with acute disorders of... more

Cardiospecific troponin immunoassays: How low is it worth to go?

2 December 2015
Author(s): Giuseppe Lippi, Gianfranco Cervellin

We read with interest the recent article of Bouzas-Mosquera et al., who investigated the impact effect of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) values on the frequency of myocardial ischemia and subsequent... more

Original Article

Bed-side inferior vena cava diameter and mean arterial pressure predict long-term mortality in hospitalized patients with heart failure: 36months of follow-up

30 December 2015
Author(s): Daniele Torres, Francesco Cuttitta, Salvatore Paterna, Alessandro Garofano, Giosafat Conti, Antonio Pinto, Gaspare Parrinello

In discharged patients with heart failure (HF), diverse conditions can intervene to worsen outcome. We would investigate whether such factors present on hospital admission can affect long-term... more

Diagnostic utility of contemporary echo and BNP assessment in patients with acute heart failure during early hospitalization

21 December 2015
Author(s): Alberto Palazzuoli, Matteo Beltrami, Gaetano Ruocco, Beatrice Franci, Maria Stella Campagna, Ranuccio Nuti

The use of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and echocardiography in acute heart failure (AHF) diagnosis is poorly employed in the Emergency Department. The aim of the present study is to evaluate... more

Predictors of abdominal adipose tissue compartments: 18-year follow-up of young men with and without family history of diabetes

17 December 2015
Author(s): Sigrid Nordang Skårn, Heidi B. Eggesbø, Arnljot Flaa, Sverre E. Kjeldsen, Morten Rostrup, Cathrine Brunborg, Henrik M. Reims, Tonje Amb Aksnes

Abdominal adipose tissue (AAT) consists of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), which can be further divided into superficial and deep SAT. Despite being a key factor... more

Association between ischemic stroke and carbon monoxide poisoning: A population-based retrospective cohort analysis

16 December 2015
Author(s): Chia-Wei Lin, Wei-Kung Chen, Dong-Zong Hung, Yi-Wen Chen, Cheng-Li Lin, Fung-Chang Sung, Chia-Hung Kao

The long-term consequence of cardiovascular health has not been evaluated for patients with carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. This study evaluated the risk of ischemic stroke using population-based... more

Underweight but metabolically abnormal phenotype: Metabolic features and its association with cardiovascular disease

16 December 2015
Author(s): Bixia Gao, Luxia Zhang, Minghui Zhao, The China National Survey of Chronic Kidney Disease Working Group Investigator

Previous studies revealed that among people with normal and high body mass index (BMI), metabolic abnormalities contribute to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, studies... more

Uric acid in metabolic syndrome: From an innocent bystander to a central player

16 December 2015
Author(s): Mehmet Kanbay, Thomas Jensen, Yalcin Solak, Myphuong Le, Carlos Roncal-Jimenez, Chris Rivard, Miguel A. Lanaspa, Takahiko Nakagawa, Richard J. Johnson

Uric acid, once viewed as an inert metabolic end-product of purine metabolism, has been recently incriminated in a number of chronic disease states, including hypertension, metabolic syndrome,... more

An investigation of multimorbidity measures as risk factors for pneumonia in elderly frail patients admitted to hospital

10 December 2015
Author(s): Andrea Ticinesi, Antonio Nouvenne, Giuseppina Folesani, Beatrice Prati, Ilaria Morelli, Loredana Guida, Fulvio Lauretani, Marcello Maggio, Tiziana Meschi

To investigate the association of different chronic comorbidities, considered singularly and together in Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) indexes, with pneumonia diagnosis in a group of elderly... more

Falling in the elderly: Do statistical models matter for performance criteria of fall prediction? Results from two large population-based studies

10 December 2015
Author(s): Anastasiia Kabeshova, Cyrille P. Launay, Vasilii A. Gromov, Bruno Fantino, Elise J. Levinoff, Gilles Allali, Olivier Beauchet

To compare performance criteria (i.e., sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, area under receiver operating characteristic curve and accuracy) of linear and... more

The mortality of acutely ill medical patients for up to 60days after admission to a resource poor hospital in sub-Saharan Africa compared with patients of similar illness severity admitted to a Danish Regional Teaching Hospital — An exploratory...

8 December 2015
Author(s): Barbara Nabayigga, John Kellett, Mikkel Brabrand, Martin Otyek Opio

The outcomes of patients with the same severity of illness in the developed and developing countries have not been compared. Illness severity can now be measured anywhere by the National Early... more

Efficacy of lifestyle interventions in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis

3 December 2015
Author(s): Xiao-Li Huang, Jian-Hua Pan, Dan Chen, Jing Chen, Fang Chen, Tao-Tao Hu

The current meta-analysis evaluated the outcomes of various lifestyle interventions, including diet modifications (DIET), physical activity (PA), and patient education (EDU) in reducing the risk of... more

Review Article

Ischemic stroke outcome: A review of the influence of post-stroke complications within the different scenarios of stroke care

23 December 2015
Author(s): Alejandro Bustamante, Teresa García-Berrocoso, Noelia Rodriguez, Victor Llombart, Marc Ribó, Carlos Molina, Joan Montaner

Stroke remains one of the main causes of death and disability worldwide. The challenge of predicting stroke outcome has been traditionally assessed from a general point of view, where baseline non-... more

Adverse effects of drugs on the kidney

22 December 2015
Author(s): Bartoli Ettore

The number of drugs presently marketed is countless, their prescription is relentlessly growing, such that the likelihood of adverse effects is strikingly increasing. As many drugs are cleared by the... more

Ten common pitfalls in the evaluation of patients with hyponatremia

16 December 2015
Author(s): T.D. Filippatos, G. Liamis, F. Christopoulou, M.S. Elisaf

Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder in hospitalized patients associated with increased morbidity and mortality. On the other hand, inappropriate treatment of hyponatremia (under- or... more


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