Published: 13 October 2023
Author(s): Mauro Di Bari, Antonella Giordano, Ilaria Giannini, Daniela Balzi, Francesco Tonarelli, Enrico Benvenuti, Germana Ruggiano, Giancarlo Landini, Jeff D Williamson, Justin K Brooten, Giulia Carreras
Issue: March 2024
Section: Original article

Older patients represent an increasing share of Emergency Department (ED) visitors worldwide [1]. Because of their complex medical and social problems, older patients in the ED require longer clinical evaluation times and increased resources compared to younger adults [2]. For the most vulnerable, ED use represents a destabilizing event, which may be independently associated with suboptimal outcomes [2]. Because of their increased clinical complexity, requiring more diagnostic workout and therapeutic interventions, older adults have longer stays in the ED and experience higher rates of negative health outcomes, such as delirium or adverse drug events [2,3].


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