Published: 24 January 2015
Author(s): Fabienne J.H. Magdelijns, L. Schepers, E. Pijpers, C.D.A. Stehouwer, P.M. Stassen
Section: Letter to the Editor

Admissions through the emergency department (ED) because of health-care-related adverse events (AEs), which should not be confused with (blameworthy) medical errors, are common [1–6]. These AEs, including adverse drugs events (ADEs), are responsible for an increase in burden of disease and can have grave consequences [1–6]. An Argentinean study showed that 10.7% of admissions to the department of internal medicine were due to a probable ADE leading to an in-hospital mortality of 8.0% [1]. We showed that nearly 30% of patients admitted to the department of internal medicine were admitted because of an AE, which resulted in an in-hospital mortality of 6.3% [2].


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