Welcome to the 15th issue of the EFIM newsletter!

I would like to thank all the members of the EFIM national societies who joined us in Wiesbaden during the European Congress of Internal Medicine.

EFIM represents a network, overcoming the limits of the European borders, in which the cooperation and confrontation among each country, works to provide new tools for education, formation and investigation in the field of internal medicine.

Being a Federation, EFIM has to be the voice of the national societies, allowing to share educational paths, stimulating discussion about health care systems future development, and possibly creating new opportunities for clinical research.

As you can recognize, EFIM has been lately creating Working Groups on general relevant topics, inviting delegates from national societies, as a sort of think-tanks, with the purpose of addressing these issues in a way that can be complimentary to that performed at the national level.

Just to quote the most recent initiative in this field, I have been very happy to present during General Assembly in Wiesbaden, the Guidelines Critical Appraisal WG, which will be chaired by Dror Dicker, our President Elect.  You will soon receive a call-for-delegates with a detailed description of the aims of this WG.

Moreover, I would like to inform that we will actively participate to the first “European Health Summit” next November 29th, 2018, in Brussels. This will be a multi-stakeholder event organised from within and across the health community to discuss how Europe could develop and take the lead in areas such as research and innovation, health data and digital health, healthcare organisation and financing as well as health in all policies.

Read more about our developments and other activities of EFIM on our website www.efim.org 

Sincere Regards

Prof. Nicola Montano

EFIM President


We are looking forward to welcoming you to Lisbon at the 18th European Congress of Internal Medicine, 29 - 31 August 2019!

Mark your calendar! 5th EFIM Day, 15 March 2019, EFIM Headquarters, Brussels.

Highlights from EFIM Events

EFIM General Assembly - Thursday 30 August, Wiesbaden, Germany

We are happy to announce that the following EFIM General Assembly will take place on Thursday, 30 August in the RheinMain CongressCenter, in... Read more

ECIM 2018 - European Congress of Internal Medicine

Post congress report  Adopting a more global view was the principal objective: The European Congress of Internal Medicine (ECIM) – hosted by the... Read more

EFIM upcoming events

European Advanced School of Internal Medicine

Join us in Riga for the first ever European Advanced School of Internal Medicine (EASIM) - a finishing school for recently appointed specialists in... Read more

ESIM Winter 2019 - Levi, Finland

Dear Friends, It is our great pleasure and honour to host the 10th Winter Course of the European School of Internal Medicine in Levi, in the heart of... Read more

5th EFIM Day - 15 March 2019

Dear EFIM Presidents, Board Members, EFIM representatives and Young Internists, Thank you for taking active participation during the 5th EFIM Day on... Read more


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