The 18th European Congress of Internal Medicine took place in Lisbon, between the 29th and the 31st of August, lead by ECIM 2019 President Prof. Luís Campos and EFIM President Prof. Nicola Montano, and it was a highlight in the history of EFIM congresses. More than two thousand participants attended ECIM 2019 beating all previous congress attendees records, highlighting the 2500 works in the competition, 650 of which are research. The theme of the congress was “Innovation in Healthcare: New Opportunities for Internal Medicine” and the choice of this theme was motivated by the conviction that the growth of the global burden of chronic diseases and multimorbidity, induced by the increasing life expectancy, the trend of overspecialization and the rising healthcare costs underscores the need for the efficient, versatile and holistic approach that characterizes internal medicine. Read full report here.
Mark your calendar!
7 - 9 May 2020 Krakow, Poland
6th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine, MIRCIM and EFIM Academic Day!

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The deadline for Phase I application is open now!
The European Exchange Programme is going from strength to strength and is becoming very popular and competitive among the Young Internists community.
The deadline for Phase I application is open now. We are expecting to receive your application by 1st of January 2020 for the first half of year. 3 application per national society will be accepted for up to 10 residents per year. There are 10 scholarships of 600€ offered to the participants, courtesy of EFIM and FDIME.
Find more details on the EFIM Exchange programme page! Do not miss this opportunity!