Dear Friends,
It is our pleasure to host the 6th Winter Course of the European School of Internal Medicine in Riga, Latvia.
As in previous ESIM courses, we need the cooperation of all the EFIM National Societies to propose speakers, and to advertise the School to potential residents. The principle of applying through your Society is that it enables you to select young internists whom you think will benefit most from this educational experience. To read more please download the announcement letter here.
1. Potential Speakers:
Complete Form A – please, return by Friday, 2nd October 2015 - download the form below
I would like to hear from speakers who are interested to participate at ESIM. As you are aware, the travel expenses of speakers will be the responsibility of their National Society, but ESIM will pay for up to 2 nights accommodation and all meals during their stay.
2. Sending Residents:
Complete Form B – please, return by Friday, 9th October 2015 - download the form below
We also need to know how many residents your National Society is hoping to send to ESIM. At the Winter School we aim to accept up to 50 residents from EFIM member countries, with a maximum of 3-4 per country. Ideally, ESIM young internists should be under the age of 36 years, fluent in English, and be towards the end of their training in Internal Medicine.
The registration fee will be 995 Euros per person which will include the following: accommodation for 6 nights, all meals, school facilities, internet access, educational materials and various social activities.
Follow us soon on:
On behalf of the School, I thank you for your continued support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
With kind regards,
Dr. Ieva Ruža
Director of ESIM Winter School in Riga (Latvia)