Gastroenterology (MeSH heading)[1] is a branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders. The name is a combination of three Ancient Greek words gaster (gen.: gastros) (stomach), enteron (intestine), and logos (reason). In the United States, Gastroenterology is an Internal Medicine Subspecialty certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and theAmerican Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine (AOBIM).

Benefits outweigh harms of aspirin therapy

Prophylactic aspirin therapy of at least 5 years’ duration has a favorable benefit-harm profile, primarily because of its effectiveness in preventing colorectal and other cancers, according to a...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Medical consultation rates for surgical cases vary

The use of inpatient medical consultations for hospitalized surgical patients was found to vary by hospital, but consultations didn’t appear to have much of an impact on risk-adjusted 30-day...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Long-term benefits shown after gastric banding

SAN FRANCISCO – The greater benefits of laparoscopic gastric banding surgery compared with medical treatment for obese patients were maintained for up to 17 years in a study of data on 1,490...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Simulation model projects HCV to be rare by 2026

A simulation model that incorporated a one-time universal screening of U.S. adults for hepatitis C virus and made conservative assumptions as to the availability and efficacy of various therapies...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Role of food allergy testing in EOE unclear

The role of food allergy testing in the evaluation and treatment of patients with eosinophilic esophagitis is not yet clear, according to a study by Dr. Seema Sharma Aceves. The report appears in...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item


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