Rheumatology (Greek ρεύμα, rheuma, river) is a sub-specialty in internal medicine and pediatrics, devoted to diagnosis and therapyof rheumatic diseases. Clinicians who specialize in rheumatology are called rheumatologists. Rheumatologists deal mainly with clinical problems involving joints, soft tissues, autoimmune diseases, vasculitis, and heritable connective tissue disorders.

Veterans more likely to have arthritis at any age

Both male and female veterans were more likely to have arthritis than were nonveterans, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For male veterans, the...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item

Eastern United States has the highest arthritis rates

The prevalence of arthritis tended to be higher in eastern U.S. states than in western states in 2011, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All seven states...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item

Brain changes identified in chronic fatigue syndrome

Imaging to assess brain microstructure identified increased fractional anisotropy in the anterior right arcuate fasciculus of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, which was not present in age- and...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item

ACR 2010 criteria for fibromyalgia critiqued

Both the American College of Rheumatology 2010 criteria for diagnosing fibromyalgia and its modified version had “unsatisfactory” sensitivity and specificity in identifying the disorder in the...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item


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