Patients with rosacea are more likely than others to have dyslipidemia and hypertension, and they are at increased risk for coronary artery disease independently of cardiovascular risk factors,...
SAN ANTONIO – Hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes are common among breast cancer survivors – and so is nonadherence to medications pr... More »
SAN ANTONIO – Hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes are common among breast cancer survivors – and so is nonadherence to medications pr... More »
If you’re stumped about what to tell patients who ask you if they should be adding supplemental vitamin D to their diet, you’re not alone.
Speaker after speaker at a public conference on vitamin D...
LAS VEGAS – Clinical roll-out of a recently approved first-in-class implantable pulmonary artery measurement device ushers in a true breakthrough in the management of heart failure patients, experts...
CHICAGO – The antihypertensive agent olmesartan is associated with increased risk of a severe sprue-like enteropathy, as highlighted in a nationwide French cohort study.
This olmesartan-related...
Urine testing of patients with hypertension revealed that 25% were partially or totally nonadherent to treatment, researchers reported online April 3 in the journal Heart.
Furthermore, nonadherence...
Patients who had notably high or notably low sodium intake levels were at an increased risk of both all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease, compared with patients who had usual sodium intake...
Serial blood pressure measurements during young adulthood appear to predict the risk of subclinical coronary artery calcification, a surrogate for CVD risk, in middle age, according to a report...
The controversial hypertension-management guidelines released by the former JNC 8 panel in December was not the group’s last word. There was a minority report, too, published almost a month later in...