Type 1 diabetes deadlier in women

Women with type 1 diabetes have a much higher risk of death from all causes than do men with type 1 diabetes, according to Dr. Rachel Huxley and her a... More »

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

Vitamin D landscape marked by lack of consensus

If you’re stumped about what to tell patients who ask you if they should be adding supplemental vitamin D to their diet, you’re not alone. Speaker after speaker at a public conference on vitamin D...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item

UTIs in type 2 diabetes can be costly

VIENNA – Urinary tract infections are relatively common and can be quite expensive among patients with newly diagnosed diabetes. In a large patient database, the infection rate was about 128/1,000...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item


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