
At Motherisk, we receive increasing numbers of queries from women and clinicians about the use of topiramate during pregnancy, mostly related to its use for...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

Vigorous exercise better in PCOS

HONOLULU – An hour of vigorous exercise per week decreased the risk for metabolic syndrome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome by 22%, a retrospective study of 326 women found....

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

Higher cholesterol levels linked to reduced fertility

A couple’s cholesterol levels may play a part in how long it takes them to conceive, according to a recent study. The findings, independent of body mass index, "are the first to demonstrate...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

The protective effects of morning sickness

Up to 80% of women experience morning sickness, and about 25% of them continue to experience symptoms through the second and third trimesters. The delayed-release combination of the antihistamine...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item


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