Esophageal ultrasound unreliable for tumor staging

Endoscopic esophageal ultrasound understages many early-stage esophageal cancers, possibly leading to undertreatment for many patients, a study has shown. A review of more than 100 patients with...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Analysis: No such thing as ‘benign’ obesity

"Metabolically healthy" overweight and obese patients may carry the same short-term risk as normal-weight patients for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events, but their weight puts...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Chest pain traits didn’t identify MI in women

The telltale traits of acute myocardial infarction–associated chest pain may differ in women and men, but they aren’t diagnostically telling enough to determine which women with chest pain are having...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Advanced pacing slows AF progression in bradycardia

DALLAS – Enhanced pacemaker technology sharply reduced progression of nonpermanent atrial fibrillation to permanent AF in patients with bradycardia and sinus node disease in the large international,...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Improved outcomes with CoreValve in extreme-risk patients

SAN FRANCISCO – Transcatheter aortic valve replacement with the self-expanding CoreValve in patients at extreme surgical risk significantly reduced the rate of death or major stroke at 1 year, from...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item


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