Healing MIST Therapy

As the obesity epidemic continues to rage unabated and diabetes takes its toll on nerves, I am seeing an increase in diabetic foot ulcers. Traditionally, we have used topical therapies and...

Field of Interest: Dermatology
Type: News Item

DXA screening: You’re doing it wrong

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry to screen for osteoporosis is both underused in women who meet the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force criteria for screening, and overused in low-risk younger women,...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item

DXA screening: You’re doing it wrong

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry to screen for osteoporosis is both underused in women who meet the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force criteria for screening, and overused in low-risk younger women,...

Field of Interest: Geriatrics
Type: News Item

DXA screening: You’re doing it wrong

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry to screen for osteoporosis is both underused in women who meet the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force criteria for screening, and overused in low-risk younger women,...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

Add vitamin E to NASH ‘toolkit’

VIENNA – Pooled analysis of data from three controlled trials provides further evidence to support the use of vitamin E in the treatment of nonalcoh... More »

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

PAS: Getting a grip on glucokinase MODY

SAN DIEGO – The two main things to understand about maturity-onset diabetes of the young due to mutations in the glucokinase gene are that this form... More »

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item


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