Oral curcumin shown effective in psoriasis

AMSTERDAM – Oral curcumin proved safe and effective as adjunctive therapy in patients on topical corticosteroids for mild to moderate psoriasis vulgaris in a 12-week, randomized, placebo-controlled...

Field of Interest: Dermatology
Type: News Item

ABT-450 combo achieves high SVR12 in hepatitis C

FROM THE LIVER MEETING 2014A combined formula of ABT-450 with ritonavir, ombitasvir, and dasabuvir, given with ribavirin, yielded high rates of sustained viral response at 12 weeks among...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

VIDEO: Hepatitis C burden could wallop Medicare

BOSTON – The graying of America will add at least 1 million more patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection into the Medicare system between 2010 and 2024. “If all of these patients were...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item


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