A 30-year-old woman cuts her finger on a glass jar. She goes to the clinic and needs to have sutures on her right ring finger. What would you recommen... More »
NEW YORK – A consensus group has developed evidence-based treatment recommendations for patients with psoriatic arthritis and nail involvement and raised the possibility of issuing them independent...
NEW YORK – A consensus group has developed evidence-based treatment recommendations for patients with psoriatic arthritis and nail involvement and raised the possibility of issuing them independent...
A 25-year-old man with plaque psoriasis and virtually no hair of any sort now sports a full head of hair plus body hair after treatment with the arthritis drug tofacitinib, according to Dr. Brittany...
A 25-year-old man with plaque psoriasis and virtually no hair of any sort now sports a full head of hair plus body hair after treatment with the arthritis drug tofacitinib, according to Dr. Brittany...