CHAMPIONSGATE, FLA. – Can you separate sun protection myths from facts for your patients? Misperceptions persist, but sunscreen remains a safe and effective tool to help protect the skin from...
An Institute of Medicine committee could not reach consensus on a single definition of Gulf War illness and recommended in a new report that clinicians and researchers at least narrow it down to two...
An Institute of Medicine committee could not reach consensus on a single definition of Gulf War illness and recommended in a new report that clinicians and researchers at least narrow it down to two...
Genetic testing for alleles that affect histocompatibility should be the rule for patients who initiate the drug carbamazepine, according to new recommendations issued by the Canadian...
Autosomal recessive mutations in the gene CECR1 cause an inflammatory vasculopathy with a highly varied clinical presentation that often meets the criteria for polyarteritis nodosa and can occur with...
A scathing new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found ample room for improvement in inpatient antibiotic prescribing.
Findings include continued overuse of antibiotics in...
SAN DIEGO – Patients with atopic dermatitis should routinely receive the intramuscular form of the influenza vaccine Fluzone unless the affected area of skin has been swabbed and found to have normal...
PALM BEACH, ARUBA – Which combination of retinoids and antibiotics delivers the best acne outcomes? And what dietary advice maximizes isotretinoin’s effectiveness? Dr. Guy Webster of the Wilmington...
SNOWMASS, COLO. – Mounting circumstantial evidence points to perturbation of bacterial communities in the gut and skin as important environmental triggers for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
SNOWMASS, COLO. – Mounting circumstantial evidence points to perturbation of bacterial communities in the gut and skin as important environmental triggers for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.