WASHINGTON – Far from being doomed after the failure SYMPLICITY HTN-3, renal denervation for refractory hypertension will continue to be explored. But it can’t go very far without finding a way to...
WASHINGTON – Apixaban yields the great medical cost savings of the three novel oral anticoagulants available as alternatives to warfarin for stroke prevention in patients with nonvalvular atrial...
Urine testing of patients with hypertension revealed that 25% were partially or totally nonadherent to treatment, researchers reported online April 3 in the journal Heart.
Furthermore, nonadherence...
Patients who had notably high or notably low sodium intake levels were at an increased risk of both all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease, compared with patients who had usual sodium intake...
WASHINGTON – Evolocumab, an investigational fully human monoclonal antibody, was associated with markedly greater LDL cholesterol reductions than ezetimibe in a phase III clinical trial of...
WASHINGTON – In the large STABILITY trial, darapladib did not significantly reduce the primary endpoint of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke in patients with stable coronary disease.
The novel...
WASHINGTON – Adding colchicine to standard anti-inflammatory treatment for patients with recurrent pericarditis led to significantly fewer subsequent recurrences than did standard treatment alone in...
Treatment with metformin failed to show any positive effects on left ventricular function in diabetes-free patients who presented with ST-segment elevation MI, according to the results of a...
Neither perioperative aspirin therapy nor perioperative clonidine prevented death or MI in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery who were at risk for major vascular complications, according to data...
WASHINGTON – Early treatment with cardiac-resynchronization therapy with a defibrillator showed a significant survival benefit in patients with mild heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction, and...