BOSTON – All but 1 of 51 patients who failed sofosbuvir-containing treatment regimens for hepatitis C achieved a sustained virologic response for 12 weeks after retreatment with ledipasvir and...
BOSTON – Screening all adults born between 1945 and 1965 for hepatitis C and then treating all infected patients with oral drug regimens is the most cost effective strategy for society, because...
BOSTON – The estimated cost of treating all eligible U.S. hepatitis C patients with a new generation of high-priced medications may be breathtaking, but would the resulting savings over those cured...
BOSTON – The call to screen Baby Boomers for hepatitis C virus infections appears to have gone unheeded so far, results from a Chicago primary care clinic show.
Screening increased by only 2% among...
BOSTON– Almost two-thirds of baby boomers presenting to Alabama emergency departments were unaware of their hepatitis C virus status, despite having such high-risk factors as past intravenous drug...
An oral, interferon-free drug regimen produced a 97% rate of sustained virologic response in liver transplant recipients who had recurrent hepatitis C viral infection – “an historically...
BOSTON – Treating hepatitis C with a combination of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir produced a sustained virologic response in 49 of 50 patients coinfected with genotype 1 hepatitis C and HIV...
BOSTON – Since their approval in late 2013, the direct-acting antiviral agents sofosbuvir and simeprevir have taken over treatment of hepatitis C with real-world success that approximates clinical...
BOSTON – Risks for mortality, hepatocellular carcinoma, and liver transplantations were significantly lower in patients with hepatitis C who achieved a sustained virologic response after treatment,...