Women who have inflammatory bowel disease, particularly those with Crohn’s disease, are at increased risk for developing cervical neoplasia, according to a report published online in Clinical...
Treatment of relapsing or recurrent Clostridium difficile infection with frozen, orally administered capsules containing a solution of fecal matter from healthy unrelated donors had promising...
The first combination pill to treat chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection was approved by the Food and Drug Administration Oct. 10.
The once-daily tablet under the trade name Harvoni...
The efficacy, not the tolerability, of bowel cleansing is the primary concern in patients undergoing colonoscopy, because of the substantial adverse consequences of inadequate bowel preparation,...
MADRID – Results from a phase III trial of a new drug, TAS-102, that mimics the action of fluorouracil showed that it significantly boosted overall survival in heavily pretreated patients with...
Contaminated duodenoscopes triggered a 2013 outbreak of a rare strain of Escherichia coli infections at a single hospital in northeastern Illinois, according to a report published online Oct....
MADRID – Treatment with a new nucleoside-analogue drug produced clinically meaningful improvements in survival and performance status in a phase III trial that enrolled 800 patients with metastatic...
Pediatric inflammatory bowel disease grew by more than 40% in a 15-year period in Ontario, Canada, according to a retrospective cohort study published in the October issue of...
A risk stratification model that determined whether patients with Crohn’s disease needed computed tomography cut scans of these patients in emergency departments by 43%, with a miss rate of only...
Cytology and a microRNA-based test identified pancreatic cancer 91% of the time in specimens obtained by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration – a substantial improvement, compared with...