The investigational monoclonal antibody etrolizumab effected clinical remission in significantly more patients with refractory ulcerative colitis than did placebo, an industry-sponsored trial...
CHICAGO – Treatment with an intragastric balloon before bariatric surgery produces significant weight loss in the morbidly obese, but at the cost of more surgical complications, according to the...
CHICAGO – Early endoscopic follow-up within 24 months detected dysplasia in nearly one in 10 patients with nondysplastic or low-grade Barrett’s esophagus in a retrospective study at the Mayo...
The somatostatin analogue pasireotide reduced postoperative pancreatic fistula leak or abscess by 56%, compared with placebo, a randomized study has determined.
Pasireotide (Signifor) was effective...
Vedolizumab, an integrin receptor antagonist, has been approved as a treatment for moderate to severe inflammatory bowel disease in adults who have not had an adequate response to one or more...
CHICAGO – Results were negative from the first randomized placebo-controlled trial of fecal microbiota transplant in ulcerative colitis, but enthusiasm remains for this newly regulated and trendy...
CHICAGO – Infliximab discontinuation rates were lower in a pilot study of inflammatory bowel disease patients who were in remission and had their serum drug levels measured.
Trough infliximab...
BALTIMORE – A study of patients with intraabdominal infection indicates that a shorter course of antibiotics is as effective as the standard, longer course, leading researchers to recommend a new...
LAS VEGAS – Nondiabetic patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease already have insulin perturbations putting them on track for a variety of more serious health conditions, new data show.
In a...
CHICAGO – An 8-week course in mindfulness-based stress reduction reduced the severity of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms 6 and 12 months later, compared with 8 weeks of participation in a control...