The copper intrauterine device is the most effective method of emergency contraception and may a good option for obese patients who have higher failure rates on oral emergency contraception,...
For aggressive endometrial cancer subtypes, Non-Hispanic black women had mortality rates more than 1.5-fold higher than those of non-Hispanic white women diagnosed with the same subtype of...
The Food and Drug Administration has approved flibanserin as the first drug treatment for acquired, generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women. The drug – marketed as Addyi...
Oral contraceptive use may improve symptoms of inflammatory arthritis in women, according to a cohort study conducted in Germany between 2010 and 2013.
The researchers analyzed reports on 273 18- to...
A group-based behavioral weight loss program supplemented with personal contact and support was effective in helping overweight or obese breast cancer survivors lose a clinically meaningful amount of...
Twelve weeks of estradiol or progesterone yielded distinct cognitive benefits in recently menopausal women, compared with placebo, according to a randomized, double-blind study reported in...
The incidence of gestational diabetes can be reduced in high-risk women with individualized lifestyle intervention focused on diet and physical activity, new research suggests.
A randomized,...
The coincidence of two recent news items highlighted the tension between a more unfettered approach to pharmaceutical drug marketing and the need for caution when promoting and prescribing drugs.
A brief motivational intervention was unsuccessful for reducing heavy drinking or intimate partner violence in women seeking emergency department (ED) treatment for related injuries, according to a...
Response to the 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine was noninferior in boys and girls aged 9-15 years, compared with women aged 16-26 years, according to Dr. Pierre Van Damme of the University of...