Last week, one of my patients presented with a BMI of 49 and two canes. Knee x-ray shows marked medial compartment narrowing bilaterally. We will inject her knees with steroids, but this will be...
ROME – Baricitinib, a novel biologic drug that selectively inhibits certain janus kinases, showed safety and efficacy for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in a two separate, multicenter, phase III...
ROME – Tai chi is as effective as standard physical therapy in reducing pain and improving physical function and quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis, according to the results of a...
The past decade has seen several new classes of biologic drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating rheumatoid arthritis, but despite this cornucopia the field is in something of...
ROME – Vitamin D supplementation did not ease osteoarthritic knee pain measured using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index in a 2-year, randomized, double-blind,...
LISBON – Advanced age appears to trump disease activity or antirheumatic drug treatment as the driving force behind miscarriage in women with rheumatoid arthritis.
“The risk for miscarriage in...
ROME – Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors remain the mainstay of treatment for patients with psoriatic arthritis who don’t fully respond to treatment with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and at...
ROME – Clinicians who care for patients with chronic inflammatory rheumatic diseases should consider regularly assessing six potential comorbidities these patients might develop, according to a set...
ROME – Obese people had a 50% increased rate of developing rheumatoid arthritis compared with normal or underweight people, in a case-control study of more than 2,000 Swedish residents for which...
ROME – Psoriasis patients with a past history of bone or joint trauma had about 50% higher risk of later developing psoriatic arthritis than did those without a history of trauma in a longitudinal,...