PARIS – A randomized trial of two doses of atacicept for systemic lupus erythematosus was interrupted after two deaths occurred in patients taking 150 mg of the drug.
However, since a post hoc...
CHICAGO – Hyponatremia quadruples the risk of osteoporosis and fragility fractures, according to a retrospective database study presented at the joint meeting of the International Congress of...
PARIS – The investigational interleukin-6 blocker sirukumab provided no benefit to patients with lupus nephritis but put them at a very high risk of developing a serious infection in a small,...
PARIS – Treat-to-target goals for obese patients with rheumatoid arthritis should take into account new research indicating that they already have a higher level of systemic inflammation and higher...
A 25-year-old man with plaque psoriasis and virtually no hair of any sort now sports a full head of hair plus body hair after treatment with the arthritis drug tofacitinib, according to Dr. Brittany...
PARIS – Belimumab produced significant clinical improvement in 74% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who took it over a 6-month period, reducing disease symptoms and steroid use and...
PARIS – The higher disease activity scores seen in obese patients with rheumatoid arthritis may be driven by the proinflammatory state that is associated with obesity, Dr. Christopher Sparks reported...
The metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are not just common among patients with psoriatic arthritis, but both also correlate with the severity of the inflammatory musculoskeletal disease,...
PARIS – Patients with Sjögren’s syndrome appear to have a higher risk of myocardial infarction, but not stroke or transient ischemic attack, than does the general population, based on an analysis of...
PARIS – When patients with lupus who were in remission on an immunosuppressant drug and a low dosage of prednisone stopped their immunosuppressant, 70% remained flare free 2 years off...