Why I will continue to perform clinical breast exams

When practice guidelines differ from each other, it is up to individual providers to make the choice that is best for their patients, and we once again find ourselves in this position – this time,...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

Delayed diagnosis tops breast cancer malpractice claims

The majority of medical malpractice lawsuits involving breast cancer result from delayed-diagnosis allegations, but a significant portion also stem from alleged poor management of breast cancer...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item

Delayed diagnosis tops breast cancer malpractice claims

The majority of medical malpractice lawsuits involving breast cancer result from delayed-diagnosis allegations, but a significant portion also stem from alleged poor management of breast cancer...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item

IDWeek: Despite better drugs, HCV deaths keep rising

SAN DIEGO – Despite better therapies, deaths from hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection continue to rise, indicating poor penetrance of medications and care to patients who need them, Dr. Scott Holmberg...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Serum HA cutoff predicts progression in knee OA

Serum concentration of hyaluronic acid correlated with the severity of knee osteoarthritis in a longitudinal population-based cohort, with concentrations above 51.9 ng/mL significantly associated...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item

What’s in the pipeline for female sexual problems?

LAS VEGAS – Female desire and sexual function involve a complicated and interconnected cascade of hormones and neurotransmitters, each providing a potential target for modulation in cases of low...

Field of Interest: Pulmonology
Type: News Item


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