We would like to thank all the members of the EFIM General Assembly who joined us in Milan. This year’s General Assembly was held on 31 August at the spectacular University of Milan, in conjunction with the 16th European Congress of Internal Medicine.
Eighty delegates, Young Internists and Executive Committee members, representing 30 national societies from 27 EFIM member countries participated in the EFIM General Assembly. The EFIM President, Prof. Runolfur Palsson welcomed the participants to Milan and expressed his delight with the number of countries participating in the EFIM meeting and attending the European Congress. EFIM would like to congratulate the newly elected Secretary General, Prof. Xavier Corbella from Spain and Treasurer, Prof. Valentin Kokorin from Russia. EFIMis pleased to welcome on board two new member societies of internal medicine, as a full member the Macedonian Association of Internal Medicine from the FYR of Macedonia and in the role of associate member the Argentinian Society of Internal Medicine.
To read full report and access the presentations from the General Assembly please follow: <a href="/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://efim.org/about/general-assembly/minutes/efim-general-assembly-thursday-31-august-2017-milan">http://efim.org/about/general-assembly/minutes/efim-general-assembly-thursday-31-august-2017-milan</a> ">http://efim.org/about/general-assembly/minutes/efim-general-assembly-thu...