As already announced, the 6th EFIM Day will take place at the ICE Congress Centre in Krakow on Friday 8 May, 2020 in conjunction with the McMaster Course - MIRICIM 2020. We would like to extent an invitation to the Presidents, the Board Members and the Young Internists of EFIM National Societies to join EFIM in discussing different Internal Medicine’s topics on a European level including EFIM new projects and current activities.
EFIM is pleased to offer complimentary registration to MIRCIM 2020 for the Presidents of EFIM national societies or her/his designated delegates. We hope that you might want to support this course suggesting to all the members of your society to attend it.
To find more details about the 6th EFIM Day please follow the EFIM Day page here.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Krakow!