Survey on Point of Care Ultrasound in Internal Medicine in Europe

Dear EFIM Coleagues, Dear EFIM Members: 

Point of Care Ultrasound is a very useful tool for internists. In the recent years more and more physicians (including Internal Medicine specialists) are incorporating “insonation” in their daily practice.
The EFIM Ultrasound Working Group has prepared a short survey with the following objectives:  

EFIM General Assembly 2023

We are pleased to announce that the following EFIM General Assembly will take place on Wednesday, 15 March  2023 at the Megaron Congress Center in Athens, Greece.
The meeting will take place during the 21st European Congress of Internal Medicine, ECIM, 2023 joint with the 12th International Conference of Internal Medicine, ICIM.

To be able to register to the General Assembly, please follow the registration link:

7th EFIM Day

We are delighted to have welcomed so many participants from the EFIM National Societies during the 7th EFIM Day held virtually on 9 December.

We have received 78 registrations representing 29 EFIM National societies, which means that almost all the member societies were present at the EFIM Day.
Thank you for your participation in the very active EFIM Day meeting.

FDIME Announces Research Grants in 2022

The Foundation for the Development of Internal Medicine in Europe (FDIME) is offering Research Grants to Young Internists (up to age 38 yrs) to study in Research projects including all fields of General Internal Medicine, particularly polymorbidity and other common Internal Medicine conditions.
FDIME invites applications for Research Grant (up to 17,500 Euros) with an aim to promote research and to encourage exchanges within EFIM member countries. 

For more details please visit the FDIME Research Grants webpage at


Internal Medicine Ultrasound: 10 years on

Join a panel of thought-leaders and experts from Europe and the Americas in a discussion of lessons learned, challenges and possible solutions in the current landscape of internal medicine Point-of-Care Ultrasound.
The webinar will take place on 5 May at 5:00 PM CET and it will be moderated by Dr. Juan Torres-Macho, the Chair of EFIM Ultrasound Working Group and Dr. Irene Ma, Professor of Medicine and the John A. Buchanan Chair in General Internal Medicine at the University of Calgary.

A fundraiser for hospitals in Ukraine!

Medycyna Praktyczna under the leadership of Prof. Piotr Gajewski, the Secretary General of the Polish society and the Institute for Emergency Medicine in Krakow, Poland with the use of their expert knowledge in the field of emergency rescue service and the support of experienced surgeons, would like to focus on delivering to Ukraine specialised instruments and supplies necessary to give medical aid in the hospital care.

Acute pericarditis – Primer for the internist

We are pleased to invite you to register to the next EFIM webinar organised by the Young Internists' Section.
The webinar will focus on the theme of: "Acute pericarditis – Primer for the internist" featuring a lecture by Prof. Antonio Brucato from the University of Milan, Italy.
The webinar will take place on Wednesday, 27 April at  18:00 CET.
To register for the webinar please follow the Zoom link below:

European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM) Statement against the war in Ukraine

EFIM condemns the attack on Ukraine.

We deplore the human casualties and ask to cease immediately the hostilities.

As physicians, we will never consider war as an option. War cannot be the response to any kind of action, as it generates only other suffering.

We would like to express our closeness to the Ukrainian colleagues who are experiencing the frustration and fear for the difficulties in taking care of their patients. 


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