Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): fidanacogene elaparvovec, decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P/0277/2022

Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): fidanacogene elaparvovec, decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P/0277/2022

Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Cosentyx, secukinumab, Arthritis, Psoriatic;Psoriasis;Spondylitis, Ankylosing, Date of authorisation: 14/01/2015, Revision: 34, Status: Authorised

Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Cosentyx, secukinumab, Arthritis, Psoriatic;Psoriasis;Spondylitis, Ankylosing, Date of authorisation: 14/01/2015, Revision: 34, Status: Authorised

ACT EU PA04 - Multi-stakeholder Workshop on ICH E6 R3 - Public Consultation, Online and European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 13/07/2023 to 14/07/2023

ACT EU PA04 - Multi-stakeholder Workshop on ICH E6 R3 - Public Consultation, Online and European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 13/07/2023 to 14/07/2023

Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Rezafungin acetate, decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P/0342/2022

Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Rezafungin acetate, decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P/0342/2022

Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Autologous CD34+enriched cells from patients with Fanconi anaemia subtype A transduced ex vivo with a lentiviral vector carrying the FANCA gene (PGK-FANCA-WPRE), decision type: , therapeutic area

Opinion/decision on a Paediatric investigation plan (PIP): Autologous CD34+enriched cells from patients with Fanconi anaemia subtype A transduced ex vivo with a lentiviral vector carrying the FANCA gene (PGK-FANCA-WPRE), decision type: , therapeutic area: , PIP number: P/0114/2020


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