EFIM Portrait for HQ Europe Magazine

Dr. Frank Bosch, EFIM President gave an interview portraying EFIM for the Headquarters Europe Magazine.
Founded in 2002 and published six times a year, HQ Europe has served as an essential resource for association executives accompanied by customised supplements on specific destination.
Read here the inteview with Dr. Frank Bosch.

Moving to High-Value Care: More Thoughtful Use of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Dr. Frank Bosch, EFIM President and Dr. David Fleming, ACP President, join together in discussion reminding physicians on the importance of discussing patient preferences for CPR.
Read full article published in the Annals of Internal Medicine , the official journal by the American College of Physicians.

Download : Moving to High-Value Care: More Thoughtful Use of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

European School of Internal Medicine 7 - 13 June 2015 Costa Rei - Muravera Sardinia

Another excellent European Summer School of Internal Medicine has taken place in Costa Rei, Sardinia. It was yet another summer intensive course of internal medicine, combined with a strong facilitation for empowering young internists in their careers and enabling networking, pan-European experience exchange and debates that shape the future of our specialty.
To read more please go to the ESIM page here.

EFIM Day Brussels - 19 June

EFIM held its 1st EFIM Day meeting on 19 June, gathering 38 EFIM Presidents and Board Members from 20 members’ societies in Brussels. The participants took active part in the meeting programme which consisted of presentations that will shape the future of EFIM. Frank Bosch, the EFIM President, introduced EFIM 1st Annual Report and presented the highlights of the 2014 projects. We would like to encourage you to fill in our evaluation.

EFIM Administrative Council Meeting and General Assembly - 14 October

EFIM Administrative Council Meeting and General Assembly will take place on Wednesday 14 October at the Aquarium hotel which is adjacent to the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center in Moscow. The meeting will take place during the 14th European Congress of Internal Medicine hosted by the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine (RSMSIM).  


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