Published: 7 December 2024
Author(s): Pablo Díez-Villanueva, César Jiménez-Méndez, Ángel Pérez-Rivera, Eduardo Barge Caballero, Javier López, Carolina Ortiz, Clara Bonanad, Josebe Goirigolzarri, Alberto Esteban Fernández, Marta Cobo, Nuria Montes, Albert Ariza-Solé, Manuel Martínez-Sellés, Fernando Alfonso
Issue: March 2025
Section: Original Article

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects up to 10 % of the general population, being one-third of these individuals over 65 years old [1]. A bidirectional interaction, has been described between CKD and cardiovascular disease [2], with CKD constituting a common comorbidity in patients with heart failure (HF), especially amongst the older population [3,4]. Furthermore, CKD has been consistently associated with worse HF prognosis, leading to higher morbidity and mortality rates [3].


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