Author(s): Keizo Tanitame
Section: Internal Medicine Flashcard

A 48-year-old man with severe disorders of consciousness and fever up to 38 °C was transferred from a psychiatric hospital to the author's hospital. He had suffered from schizophrenia for 15 years and experienced body weight loss of 6 kg in last 20 days. He was in coma with the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) 3. Blood tests showed decreased levels of serum glucose (26 mg/dL; reference value, 70–110) and serum albumin (2.6 g/dL; reference value, 6.3–8.0), and elevated white blood cell counts (23,800/μL), C-reactive protein (1.49 mg/dL; reference value, < 0.2), AST (3175 U/L; reference value, 13–33), ALT (3681 U/L; reference value, 8–42) and CK (1945 U/L; reference value, 62–287).


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