Published: 13 June 2023
Author(s): C Rotondo, S Sciacca, V Rella, G Busto, R Colia, FP Cantatore, A Corrado
Section: Original article

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare disease, with a not well known pathogenesis based on autoimmune dysregulation, charcaterized by clinical triad of vasculopathy, fibrosis of diverse organs, and imbalance of innate and adaptative immunity [1]. Although microvascular abnormalities in all tissues are the hallmarks of SSc [2–8], there is a growing interest in cardiovascular disease (CVD) [9]. However, few scientific evidence has shown a greater CV involvement in SSc, questioning whether this increase in CVD is due to a more rapid atherosclerosis process, probably associated with higher oxidative stress, or to the intrinsic pathogenetic mechanism of SSc [10].


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