Dearest Friends,
first of all let me THANK, APPLAUDE and HUG all the Internists all over the world that in these days are facing an unprecedented burden of stress, fighting Covid-19.
I must tell you that, at difference with the actual people’s feeling, I do not think we are heroes. Heroes choose to sacrifice themselves for someone else, but we did not choose, we were there and we had to take care of our patients, as usual at our best. In my country, as well as in many others, the health care professionals are the most hit category by Covid-19. In Italy, so far, 91 physicians died and around 10.000 got the disease. The physical, emotional and psychological load is the heaviest we could have imagined, but we keep working and and take care to our patients.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to all Internists , thank you very much to all of us.
When the Covid-19 was first mentioned last year, no one could probably have imagined what consequences this would have. EFIM team travelled to Malaga for the preparations of the upcoming congress, ECIM 2021 holding two day intensive meetings without perceiving the upcoming crisis. Only a week later it started and spread to Italy. Here we are, a month later and all the European countries are in lockdown suspending all the essential activities to prevent further spread of the virus and protect the population's health, as well as public health systems. What to do further? Nobody can tell when the isolation will be over and when we will all be able to come back to some sort of normality.
Even in such a tragic moment for the whole world, fighting against this terrible pandemic, it is clear to all of us that the world will be different since now on, and we will reflect on these worrying times further. EFIM and the Executive committee members are on the frontlines working day and night with the COVID19 patients. We stand together in these difficult times by sharing each other experiences and stories in treating and managing COVID19 patients in our countries.
Our new EFIM home page is up and active and we will be able to connect and share with the wider EFIM community the experiences and provide updates on the current matters.
We will be organising Webinars, and posting our knowledge online, via our social media trying to unite the internal medicine community in Europe.
Our upcoming summer school unfortunately had to be postponed until next year and the upcoming MIRICIM course has been moved to take place in the autumn.
In the meantime let me tell you what we achieved in what it will be remembered forever as “the last year before pandemic” introducing to you EFIM 2019 Annual Report.
Happy secluded Easter!

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MIRCIM 2020We regret to inform you that the 6th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM) 2020 has been postponed to take place in May... Read more |