ORLANDO – Right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy at six times the seizure threshold is markedly more effective in severely depressed patients aged 60 and older than in those who are younger,...
WASHINGTON – Transcatheter aortic valve replacement with the CoreValve device showed significantly higher 1-year survival than did surgical replacement, in a randomized trial of patients with severe...
WASHINGTON – Transcatheter aortic valve replacement with the CoreValve device showed significantly higher 1-year survival than did surgical replacement, in a randomized trial of patients with severe...
ORLANDO – Predicting whether add-on donepezil will improve residual cognitive deficits in an elderly patient on adequate antidepressant therapy may be as plain as the nose on the patient’s face....
ORLANDO – Electroconvulsive therapy was safe and effective for treatment of refractory agitation in patients with dementia, including those with multiple medical comorbidities, in the largest case...
ORLANDO – The novel antidepressant vortioxetine proved safe, effective, and well tolerated for treatment of major depressive disorder specifically in elderly patients in a combined analysis of nine...
ORLANDO – This May, the hallowed term "dementia" is supposed to be tossed onto the scrapheap of discarded psychiatric nomenclature, replaced by "major neurocognitive disorder."...
ORLANDO – Elderly patients with acute depression who show deficits on brief structured tests of memory and executive function are at high risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease within the next few...
ORLANDO – Compulsive hoarding traditionally has been considered virtually synonymous with obsessive-compulsive disorder, but its reach actually extends far beyond.
Indeed, hoarding turns out to be...
Strict adherence to the new risk-based American College of Cardiology–American Heart Association guidelines for managing cholesterol would increase the number of adults eligible for statin therapy by...