Statin reduces MI risk in ischemic heart failure

DALLAS – Rosuvastatin appears to reduce the risk of acute myocardial infarction in patients with ischemic heart failure, according to a meta-analysis of two landmark statin trials. This finding is...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Smoking cessation agents don’t raise serious CVD risks

The three smoking cessation agents bupropion, varenicline, and nicotine replacement therapy did not raise the risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events in a network meta-analysis of 63 randomized...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Energy drinks amp up heart contractility

CHICAGO – Consumption of an energy drink containing caffeine and taurine slightly, but significantly, altered left ventricular contractility in healthy volunteers, while consuming the same amount of...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Analysis: No such thing as ‘benign’ obesity

"Metabolically healthy" overweight and obese patients may carry the same short-term risk as normal-weight patients for all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events, but their weight puts...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Abrupt increase noted in LVAD thrombosis

An abrupt and unexpected increase in pump thrombosis has occurred since March 2011 in patients with advanced heart failure who received the HeartMate II left ventricular assist device, according to a...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item

Chest pain traits didn’t identify MI in women

The telltale traits of acute myocardial infarction–associated chest pain may differ in women and men, but they aren’t diagnostically telling enough to determine which women with chest pain are having...

Field of Interest: Cardiology
Type: News Item


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