Benefits outweigh harms of aspirin therapy

Prophylactic aspirin therapy of at least 5 years’ duration has a favorable benefit-harm profile, primarily because of its effectiveness in preventing colorectal and other cancers, according to a...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Benefits outweigh harms of aspirin therapy

Prophylactic aspirin therapy of at least 5 years’ duration has a favorable benefit-harm profile, primarily because of its effectiveness in preventing colorectal and other cancers, according to a...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item

Gut bacteria populations may predict colon cancers

The addition of a gut microbiome analysis to fecal occult blood testing improved the accuracy of standard colorectal cancer screening by more than 50-fold. The expanded analysis not only...

Field of Interest: Oncology
Type: News Item

Long-term benefits shown after gastric banding

SAN FRANCISCO – The greater benefits of laparoscopic gastric banding surgery compared with medical treatment for obese patients were maintained for up to 17 years in a study of data on 1,490...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item

Simulation model projects HCV to be rare by 2026

A simulation model that incorporated a one-time universal screening of U.S. adults for hepatitis C virus and made conservative assumptions as to the availability and efficacy of various therapies...

Field of Interest: Gastroentero...
Type: News Item


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