CDC sounds alarm on hospital antibiotic use

A scathing new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found ample room for improvement in inpatient antibiotic prescribing. Findings include continued overuse of antibiotics in...

Field of Interest: Infectious diseases
Type: News Item

HHS proposes new targets for HAI reduction

Federal officials are proposing new targets for reducing health care–associated infections, including a 75% reduction in invasive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections by...

Field of Interest: Infectious diseases
Type: News Item

Physicians are major source for frequent opioid misusers

Most people who misuse opioid pain relievers cite friends and relatives as their sources for the drugs, but more of the people who misuse these agents most often – those who take them from 200 to 365...

Field of Interest: Rheumatology
Type: News Item


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