PARIS – The investigational interleukin-6 blocker sirukumab provided no benefit to patients with lupus nephritis but put them at a very high risk of developing a serious infection in a small,...
PARIS – Belimumab produced significant clinical improvement in 74% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who took it over a 6-month period, reducing disease symptoms and steroid use and...
PARIS – Patients with Sjögren’s syndrome appear to have a higher risk of myocardial infarction, but not stroke or transient ischemic attack, than does the general population, based on an analysis of...
PARIS – When patients with lupus who were in remission on an immunosuppressant drug and a low dosage of prednisone stopped their immunosuppressant, 70% remained flare free 2 years off...
PARIS– When physicians withdrew immunosuppressant treatment from lupus patients in long-term remission, a gradual tapering down of their immunosuppressant treatment produced a lower rate of...
PARIS – A large international registry aims to gather extensive data on the presentation, complications, and treatment response of rare autoinflammatory diseases in both children and adults,...
The European League Against Rheumatism Sjögren’s Syndrome Disease Activity Index measured at the time of diagnosis predicted the development of lymphoma and death in Spanish patients with severe...
PARIS – The usual rule that the larger an aortic aneurysm grows the greater the risk it will undergo dissection or rupture doesn’t work in patients with giant-cell arteritis. Their aortic aneurysms...
PARIS (FRONTLINE MEDICAL NEWS) – Autologous stem-cell transplantation has emerged as an effective and feasible treatment for selected patients with severe systemic sclerosis who inadequately...
PARIS (FRONTLINE MEDICAL NEWS) – Autologous stem-cell transplantation has emerged as an effective and feasible treatment for selected patients with severe systemic sclerosis who inadequately...