The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control. This issue covers the period 7 -14 December 2014.
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The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control. This issue covers the period 30 November–6 December 2014.
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The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control.
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The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control.
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The outbreak of Ebola virus disease affecting West Africa continues. ECDC provides a weekly update on the evolving situation.
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The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control. This issue covers the period 16 - 22 November 2014.
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ECDC has updated its rapid risk assessment on Ebola virus disease in West Africa. This is the eighth update since the start of the outbreak in March this year.
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The ECDC Communicable Disease Threats Report is a weekly bulletin intended for epidemiologists and health professionals in the area of communicable disease prevention and control. This issue covers the period 9–15 November 2014
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There is an increase of 830 cases and 200 deaths since 4 November. Mali reported three confirmed and two probable cases, including four deaths. In Sierra Leone, the weekly incidence continues to rise, while in Liberia it appears to be declining. In all three countries, EVD transmission remains... more