The more time middle-aged men and women spend sitting, the greater the likelihood they will show nonalcoholic fatty liver disease on ultrasonography at an annual physical examination, according to a...
LAS VEGAS – More than one in 10 patients with Clostridium difficile infection at the time of hospital discharge are readmitted for C. difficile infection within 90 days, according to...
A once-daily, fixed-dose combination of sofosbuvir (SOF) plus velpatasvir (VEL) had high success rates for the treatment of all six genotypes of hepatitis C virus, manufacturer Gilead Sciences...
Methotrexate use more than doubled the risk of liver enzyme abnormalities but was not tied to serious hepatic outcomes among patients with rheumatic diseases, according to a meta-analysis of 32...
CHICAGO – For patients with irritable bowel syndrome, expressing rather than bottling up negative emotions may be just what the doctor ordered, according to Elyse R. Thakur, Ph.D.
A novel...
Researchers have road-tested an app based on the Stroop test, which is designed to detect covert hepatic encephalopathy, with results suggesting it achieves results similar to those of a paper-based...
CHICAGO – Symptom-based criteria provide a substrate to diagnose patients with irritable bowel syndrome, but these criteria have their own distinct limitations, according to Dr. Douglas...
Patients with hepatitis C and psychiatric disorders or substance abuse problems benefit significantly from an integrated care model of treatment, with a randomized controlled trial showing such an...
When a large state employer – California’s public employee system – switched to “reference payment” health insurance coverage of colonoscopy, patients shifted toward using lower-priced facilities and...
A significant number of cases of acute liver failure may be caused by the hepatitis E virus, which a new study suggests may not necessarily be identified or excluded using serologic tests.