For adults with advanced ulcerative colitis (UC) older than 50 years of age, elective colectomy offered a significantly higher survival rate than did medical therapy, according to a retrospective...
MIAMI BEACH – The rich microbial diversity we all carry within our guts “talks” to our brains, and our brains talk back. The state of the very new field of “psychobiotics” was reviewed in a panel...
WASHINGTON – Initial misdiagnoses were common and were associated with a later disease stage at diagnosis, in a study of 313 patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Dr. Douglas Swords said at the...
WASHINGTON – Five-year follow-up data on the magnetic device approved for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease confirm its long-term safety and efficacy, Dr. Robert A. Ganz reported at the annual...
Two studies of using fecal microbiota transplants to treat ulcerative colitis have had mixed results.
Researchers conducted a double-blind parallel study of 75 individuals with active ulcerative...
Split-dose regimens were more than twice as effective for colon cleansing as day-before preparations, and colonoscopy patients preferred them, a meta-analysis of 47 randomized trials...
A point-of-care test for deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies was as sensitive as standard serology in detecting celiac disease, according to a single-center prospective study.
The results suggest...
A single intravenous infusion of cefazolin can cause drug-induced liver injury, and the antibiotic ranked sixth among pharmacologic causes of hepatic injury in an analysis of 1,212 patients....
Sebelipase alfa (Kanuma) has been recommended for approval to treat lysosomal acid lipase deficiency in infants, children, and adults, according to a press release from the European Medicine...