SAN FRANCISCO – Can patients who fail short-course treatment for hepatitis C and show high levels of resistance to an antiviral drug still respond to standard 12-week therapy?
“There were initially...
SAN FRANCISCO – The direct-acting antiviral sofosbuvir plus ribavirin (SOF/R) improved liver function in patients with hepatitis C virus infection who were awaiting liver transplant and it produced a...
SAN FRANCISCO – Patients with hepatitis C who fail short-course antiviral treatment may still be able to achieve a cure using longer-duration therapies plus ribavirin, a small study has...
SAN FRANCISCO – A five-drug regimen of direct-acting antiviral agents with diverse targets appears to be highly effective as a retreatment in patients infected with the hepatitis C virus patients who...
SAN FRANCISCO – Sustained virologic response in patients with genotype 3 hepatitis C virus infection and advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis was achieved in 88% of those treated with a daclatasvir-based...
SAN FRANCISCO – Hepatitis C testing can be time consuming, expensive, and not widely available, but a new test focused on hepatitis C antigen detection might simplify the process and reduce its...
SAN FRANCISCO – A majority of inpatients with suspected acute hepatitis A and acute hepatitis B underwent inappropriate ordering of lab tests for those conditions, a study in one U.S. medical center...
SAN FRANCISCO – Twelve weeks of treatment with a novel botanical drug extracted from Magnolia officinalis safely and significantly reduced hepatic fat content in a dose-dependent manner among...
SAN FRANCISCO – Once-daily treatment with fixed-dose combination sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for 12 weeks was well tolerated and resulted in high sustained virologic response rates in hepatitis C–infected...
SAN FRANCISCO – The only patients with alcoholic hepatitis to derive a survival benefit from extracorporeal hepatocellular therapy with C3A hepatoma cells were those who were young and had low Model...