Adding evolocumab to both moderate- and high-intensity statin therapy lowered low-density lipoprotein cholesterol even further in an international phase III clinical trial reported online May 13 in...
NEW ORLEANS – Vertical incisions in morbidly obese women undergoing a primary cesarean delivery are associated with fewer wound complications, compared with transverse incisions.
The findings were...
PHILADELPHIA – Despite an overall agreement on its merit, both parents and their adolescent daughters are leery of the confidential interview in the gynecologic setting, in part because each cohort...
Physical inactivity in women aged 30 years and older has a greater impact on the risk of developing heart disease than any other major risk factor, according to an Australian study published today in...
CHICAGO – Medications to treat inflammatory bowel disease were well tolerated in pregnancy and weren’t linked to worse maternal-fetal outcomes, according to a study of more than 1,000 pregnant...
The massive Women’s Health Initiative estrogen plus progestin clinical trial netted more than $37 billion in savings in the 10 years after it was published, largely by curtailing postmenopausal...
Fracture risk in women who discontinue therapy with bisphosphonates can be assessed by measuring bone mineral density at the time of discontinuation, but subsequent frequent monitoring appears to...
CHICAGO – The 3,200 U. S. hospitals that offer obstetric care are being urged to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality by joining the National Partnership for Maternal Safety. The initial aim of...
CHICAGO – Transvaginal ultrasound measures of cervical length at 16-22 weeks gestation can identify patients who have a short cervix and are at risk of preterm birth, allowing selection of patients...
CHICAGO – Dr. Laurie J. McKenzie, who is a member of the ACOG Committee on the Scientific Program and the medical faculties of the University of Texas and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,...